Today we set off for a strawberry farm so I could show the boys how to pick fresh strawberries for the first time. After hearing about a such a place from a friend we drove out on a beautiful sunny day to give the boys their first experience. Thankfully the boys took to strawberry pickin' like ducks in water. Rhys enjoyed it more then we could have imagined and loved every second of being out in the sun, carrying his own box of hand-picked strawberries. (Mummy and Daddy had to screen his selections as he was happy picking any type of strawberry, green or rotten.) Caden, on the other hand, took some time getting used to walking on the straw in between the rows of strawberries and for the most part simply pondered his options. After being there for about fifteen minutes he finally warmed up and joined in.
Adam and I enjoyed had loads of fun, picking strawberries for the boys, for ourselves, and just enjoyed the beautiful day. Towards the end of the trip both boys had given up and opted to eat while Mummy and Daddy did all the rest of the work filling the boxes. Before we knew we had more than enough strawberries to eat for a week, make cakes and even jam. (For the record it was about four kilos worth.)
This is definitely a trip to be made every year until we leave!

One of the many gorgeous strawberries.
The boys munching as they worked..
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