Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yesterday we belatedly heard about the Easter Egg Hunt here on Patch Barracks. We decided that it would be a unique and fun experience for us and the boys. So, after breakfast, we got dressed and walked over to Husky Field to take part in what I can fairly say is the most strange and crazy easter egg hunt I've ever witnessed.
As usual, we arrived early and got to see the entire field before it was jam-packed with people. All the eggs were set out and roped off according to age ranges from 0-2 and so on and so forth. There were already a few families out but it was quiet enough for us to snap a few pictures before the crowds rolled in.

After waiting through crowds that slowly trickled in and Rhys having a tantrum because he was not allowed to go to the eggs immediately, we patiently waited for the Easter Bunny to make his historical appearance. Unfortunately the traffic to get on base had reached epic porportions so the CYS crew decided that waiting an extra 10 minutes to let the stragglers come down was a good idea. From the prospective of the kids and parents waiting, this was not such a good idea. Kids were crying and screaming, getting loose from their parents grips and running out to the eggs, only to be wrangled back quickly before havoc would insue. Finally the Easter Bunny arrived, had some photo ops with the children (Caden attempted to eat the bunny) and came over to the 0-2 age egg section.As soon as the countdown to egg huntin' was completed, it was a mad dash to get as many eggs as we could. It was a mixture of parents and kids, all mashed up and frantically trying to get their kids to put eggs in their containers. Parents were picking up eggs too, for their really young ones, so it was really just chaos. Rhys did manage to get about four or five eggs and I picked up a few for Caden.

After the egg hunt and inevitable eating of candy, we walked over to the HUB and looked at some of the events that the CYS had set up. There was face painting, egg painting, games and snacks for all ages. Unfortunately, Caden had fallen asleep so the most he got was a sticker on his vest while he slept. Emma decorated a few eggs for the boys as Rhys and I played with some toys. We also got a calendar for the upcoming events during the Month of the Military Child put on by the CYS. After that we attempted to leave the HUB but were almost completely blocked off by people trying to get in. After awhile we did manage to get out and had a nice walk home in the lovely weather that we've been lucky enough to have over the past few days here in Germany.

All in all it was an interesting morning, waiting and watching all this egg-madness.

Tomorrow will be even better though as we will actually have some Easter chocolate goodies and paint some eggs of our own!

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